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Leonardo da Vinci St John the Baptist (1513-16)
St John the Baptist
Leonardo da Vinci
Musée du Louvre, Paris
69 x 57 cm
Oil on panel
Leonardo da Vinci The Virgin and Child with St Anne (1510)
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Leonardo da Vinci
Musée du Louvre, Paris
168 x 130 cm
Oil on wood
Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani/Lady with an Ermine(1483-90)
Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine)
Leonardo da Vinci
Czartoryski Museum, Cracow
54,8 x 40,3 cm
Oil on wood
David Teniers the Younger Smoker Leaning his Elbow on a Table (1643)
Smoker Leaning his Elbow on a Table
David Teniers the Younger
Musée du Louvre, Paris
39 x 31 cm
Oil on canvas
David Teniers the Younger The Musette-Player (1635-40)
The Musette-Player
David Teniers the Younger
Musée du Louvre, Paris
29 x 24 cm
Oil on canvas
David Teniers the Younger Apes in the Kitchen (1645)
Apes in the Kitchen
David Teniers the Younger
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
36 x 51 cm
Oil on canvas transferred from wood
David Teniers the Younger Smokers in an Interior (1637)
Smokers in an Interior
David Teniers
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
39 x 37 cm
Oil on panel
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Leonardo da Vinci St John the Baptist (1513-16)
Leonardo da Vinci The Virgin and Child with St An...
Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani/La...
David Teniers the Younger Smoker Leaning his Elbow...
David Teniers the Younger The Musette-Player (163...
David Teniers the Younger Apes in the Kitchen (1645)
David Teniers the Younger Smokers in an Interior (...
Van Gogh the Starry Night 1889
Sandro Botticelli The Virgin and Child with Two An...
Andrea del Verrocchio The Babtism of Christ (1472...
Sandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus (1484 - 86)
Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio Venus...
Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa/La Gioconda (1503-05)
Juillet les Chasses de Maximilien (1693)
Van Gogh Peinture de Vincent (1890)
Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of a Woman /La belle Fe...
Millet, Jean-Francois The Angelus (1857-59)
Edouard Manet Olympia(1863)
Andrea del Verrocchio
David Teniers the Younger
Edouard Manet
Leonardo da Vinci
Sandro Botticelli
Van Gogh